How SafeDefence Protection Systems are Suitable for Food Safe Warehouses

How SafeDefence Protection Systems are Suitable for Food Safe Warehouses

Cleanliness and hygiene are vital considerations for agricultural and food processing facilities - but how can protective safety barriers support this?

What does ‘food safe’ mean?

Food safety is a catch all term to express the measures put in place during the preparation, handling and storage of food meant to prevent food-borne illnesses. There are many points in the supply chain where food can become contaminated, so safe food handling practices need to be implemented at every stage of the process. This includes the facilities in which these activities happen. Construction products deemed suitable for use in agricultural and food production facilities support good hygiene protocols, be adequately tested and certified for use and must not deteriorate over time.

How does the design of our SafeDefence Protection Systems Support a Food Safe Facility?

Although harmful bacteria are impossible to spot without a microscope, there are several visual indicators that suggest poor hygiene. Built up dirt and debris, flaking paint, cracks and rust are all potential contamination points and facilities should always be designed and operated in a way that minimises these issues arising. Whilst seemingly passive additions to a food processing warehouse, our SafeDefence protection systems can help to support good hygiene levels in two key ways:

1. Foodsafe construction

The SafeDefence range of protection systems are made from synthetic polymer technology which has been self-coloured, meaning there is no need for an outer paint layer. It is not a two-layer system and therefore is the same colour throughout the material. In addition to providing a smooth, easy to clean surface, this robust material also offers high chemical resistance and has been tested to ensure its chemical compounds do not leak out into either oil or water-based foods (BS EN 1186-2 and -3:2002 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs).

2. Protection against damage

Impact protection systems not only protect people from being injured by moving vehicles but also the building itself. Indents, scuffs, and cracks all provide areas where bacteria can grow or moisture can ingress, potentially spoiling the food stored there. In addition to protecting the facility’s walls, the steel anchoring system of the products has also been designed and tested to minimise any damage/cracks to concrete floors, which could provide a space for environmental pathogens to collect.

Safe in all senses

Suitable for temperatures between -40° to +80°C, our SafeDefence Safety Barriers are suitable for all kinds of facilities in the food supply chain - helping to protect people, property and produce from damage.

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