Sustainable benefits of SafeDefence Polymer Bollards

The Sustainable & Financial Benefits of Polymer Safety Systems

Polymer safety bollards, while effective in the protection of people and processes in manufacturing and warehouse facilities, also offer several sustainable benefits compared to traditional materials like steel or concrete.

As we aim to move towards a more carbon neutral society or circular economy, awareness of the financial benefits have also become more known, where previously there may have been the perception in the market that anything sustainable is more expensive. Long term environmental benefits in using polymer safety systems can also be financially advantageous for businesses. 

SafeDefence works with businesses to ensure that the protection system not only meets the functional requirements of the business but also drives towards the company goals in sustainability. 

Some of these sustainable/financial advantages include:

  1. Durability and Longevity: Polymer bollards are designed to be highly durable and resistant to corrosion, weathering, and impacts. They have a longer lifespan compared to materials like steel, which can rust over time. This durability reduces the need for frequent replacement, thereby reducing waste and the consumption of new resources.
  2. Lightweight and Easy Installation: Polymer bollards are typically lighter in weight than their steel or concrete counterparts. This feature makes them easier to handle and install, requiring less energy and resources during the installation process. Additionally, their lightweight nature can result in reduced transportation costs and fuel consumption during shipping.
  3. Low Maintenance: Polymer bollards are often low maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep over their lifespan. Unlike steel, they do not need regular painting to prevent corrosion. This saves resources, reduces the use of toxic chemicals, and minimises maintenance costs.
  4. Recyclability: Many polymer materials used in safety bollards are recyclable. At the end of their life cycle, these bollards can be recycled and used to produce new polymer products or incorporated into other manufacturing processes. Recycling reduces the demand for new raw materials, conserves energy, and decreases the environmental impact associated with waste disposal.
  5. Energy Efficiency: The production of polymer bollards generally requires less energy compared to the manufacturing processes for steel or concrete. The lower energy consumption helps to reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact associated with the production phase.
  6. Design Flexibility: Polymer bollards can be molded into various shapes and sizes, allowing for flexible design options. This versatility enables customisation based on specific requirements, reduces material waste during the manufacturing process, and optimises the use of resources.

By opting for polymer safety bollards, manufacturing facilities can contribute to sustainable practices by reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimising environmental impact. These benefits align with the principles of sustainability and help create a safer and more eco-friendly working environment. The longer cost saving benefits are also more evident with the reduction in maintainence, replacement and longer lifespan of the product. 

Within the SafeDefence range, multiple protection profiles can be designed to ensure that any workspace can be more secure for people and assets, while being kinder to the planet. 


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